- MA, study course in Decoration, Academy of Fine Arts in Rome
(vote 110/110 cum laude) - 2012/15
- BA, study course in Decoration, “Accademia Albertina” Fine Arts Academy of Turin
(vote 110 and cum laude/110) - 2008/12
- Set-constructor/scenographer Diploma, “Scuole Tecniche San Carlo”, Turin - 2007/08
- High school: LICEO DELLE SCIENZE UMANE social-artistic address, Liceo D. Berti, Turin - 2003/08
2017 - Performance as an experiment, workshop by Marylin Arsem, 3-12 November Performance Platform Lublin 2017, Galeria Labirynt, Lublin (PL)
- Forming inattention: becoming lost, workshop by Sandra Johnston in Museumsbahnsteig, Oberhausen (DE)
- The extreme moment as lasting value, workshop with Helge Meyer, 10-15 July 2017, Köln (DE)
PAErsche lab week 2017
2015 - Sumava Experiment,24-31 October 2015, Kvilda (CZ)
- Zonarte project, Fondazione Merz, led by Cesare Pietroiusti, Turin(IT)
2014 - Μύθοι_ Myths. Students/Artists/Teachers. A process of exchange, curated by Maria Rosa Sossai, with
Miroslaw Balka and the students of the Academy of Fine Arts of Warsaw,
Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Rome (IT)
- Artistic contribution to the theater laboratory for the prisoners of Rebibbia and Regina Coeli jails, Rome(IT)
- Laboratory Teatro Danza at Nuovo Cinema Palazzo, Rome(IT)
Workshop led by Damiano Ottavio Bigi, dancer of the Pina Bausch Tanztheater Wuppertal dance company since 2006.
2013 - Laboratorio Blitz at Nuovo Cinema Palazzo, led by Antonio Caporilli, Rome(IT)
2012 - ALG-A, comunidad de arte y acciòn libre, Vigo, (ES). Summer Residency
- Purè Analogico. Electromechanical Workshop applied to Art. Vicedecanato Extensión Universitaria
UCM, Madrid (ES), led by the artist Alfredo Morte.
2009 - Associazione Diogene, collective artistic work with Nico Dockx, Pol Matthè, Melena Sidiropoulos and
Jochem Vanden Ecker, at the Diogene Bivaccourbano artist residency 2009, Torino(IT)
2024 - Human Unhappiness, UP_ON International Live Art Festival, A4 Art Museum, Chengdu, China (CHN)
- Beds.Cluj, International Performance Art event
Centrul di Interes, Cluj, Romania (RO)
Supported by Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, implemented by the Goethe Institut through Culture Moves
Europe, and Suomen Kulttuurirahasto The Finnish Cultural Foundation
- Gain and Loss, Ripetta 222 International Performance Festival, Fine Art Academy of Rome, Rome (IT)
- Punto d’acqua - Looping I, collage of vocal sound, Lucia Bricco and Diana Legel, La Nube di Oort, Rome (IT)
2023 - Incontri Occasionali, performance in collaboration with Myriam Laplante, Cosmo art space, Rome (IT)
- Between cloud and rain, performance art festival, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
- A Jan Palach, Terrazza Due Mondi, Spazio Italmatch Chemicals, Terrazza FRAU, Spoleto (IT)
- The unsituated position, Studio ALTA, Prague (CZ)
curated by Studio ALTA collective
- International Museum and Gallery Day, GVUN gallery, Nachod (CZ)
curated by Heidi Hornackovà
- Lucia Bricco, solo show, La Nube di Oort gallery, Rome (IT)
curated by Francesca Lilli
- BodyBox, two months research at the International Performance Art Archive DIE SCHWARZE
LADE | BLACK KIT, Cologne (DE)
- Beds.turku, International Performance Art event
supported by Titanik Gallery, Tehdas Teatteri, BARKER teatteri, Turun vapaan taiteen näyttämö,
Istituto Italiano di Cultura of Helsinki, Rumänska kulturinstitutet, Aura of Puppets, Turku (FIN)
2022 - Beds.rome, International Performance Art event organized by artists Antti-Juhani Manninen, Melissa Jolma, Jade Kallio, Antti Turkko, Lucia
Bricco, Iulia Ghita
Introduction to Beds, La Nube di Oort gallery, Rome (IT)
supported by Tehdas Teatteri, Theatre Info Finland TINFO, Fine Art Academy of Rome
- MagiC Carpets Creative Europe Platform, International Art Residency at Trempo Cultural Center, Nantes (FR)
Same Place, group exhibition with artists Chloé Malaise and Gwendal Briec
performance "Emersion", in collaboration with vocal expert Antoin Grammatico and the students of Fine Art Academy
Galerie de l'Ecole des Beaus Arts de Nantes Saint-Naizaire, Nantes (FR
- Self-continuity, Platform Project 2022,
"Stand 22" curated by Tugba Varol and Adrien Chevrier, Athens (GR)
- La Circostanza, "La veglia del già stato e del non ancora", part of Gecko Fest, Spina (IT)
curated by Sauro Cardinali
- Autodeposizione, Angolo Cottura, Rome (IT)
curated by Benedetta Carpi De Rasmini
- Getting out of Zola, group exhibition curated by Katerina Botsari, PS: art space, Athens (GR)
2021 - BLACK KIT, one month of Experimental Work and hybrid Performance Meeting
at the International Performance Art Archive DIE SCHWARZE LADE | BLACK KIT, Cologne (DE)
organized by Evamaria Schaller, Michael Stockhausen, Liane Ditzer, Sandra Richter & Tarika Johar for the BLACK KIT TEAM
- BEDS.athens, International Performance Art event organized by Lucia Bricco and Iulia Ghita,
with the patronage of the City of Athens, supported by TelepArt, Finnish Institute, Τσεχικό Κέντρο Αθήνα / Czech Centre Athens
invited artists: LukasKolm, Zoe Antypa & Sandra Johnston, Antti-Juhani Manninen, Ximan Wang, Macklin Kowal
- Materia Prima project, Kefalonia (GR)
- Performance Crossing 2021, performance festival curated by Klaudie Osičková, Petr Dlouhý, Antonín Brinda, Heidi Hornáčková, Prague (CZ)
- A Misura, curated by Donatella Landi, Albumarte, Rome (IT)
- Premio Francesco Fabbri per le Arti Contemporanee
group exhibition of finalists, curated by Carlo Sala
Villa Brandolini, Pieve di Soligno,TV (IT)
2020 - Performance Crossing 2020, Prague (CZ)
- GOLEM - To be generative in solidarity rather than creative in solitude, a virtual collective event, organized by Trojan DAO, supported by
Ionian Univesity Laboratory of Interactive Arts, curated by Francesco Kiais
2019 - Τρακ Εν Φιλντ, Backspace, Athens
- This is the girl, A.T.E.N.A. Atelier Temporaire Européen de Navigation Artistique, Chapelle du quartier Haut, Sète, (FR)
- Festa Franca - Forare il tubo, curated by Cecilia Casorati and Vasco Forconi, Studio Franca, Cannara (IT)
- Performensk, performance festival in Minsk (BY)
- Pre Per Post Performance, organized by Thomas Reul with the artists Selina Bonelli, Lucia Bricco, Marita Bullmann, Benjamin Gages,
Anja Ibsch, Sandra Johnston, Christiane Obermayr artist studio in Deutz-Mülheimer Straße 216, Köln (DE)
- Mια αξιοσέβαστη πόρνη, Ορίζοντας Γεγονότων, in collaboration with Red Umbrella as parallel actions of the Pride Festival of Athens 2019,
- Platform Project 2019, for Sub Rosa Space, Athens (GR)
- ZABIH performance festival, Lviv (UA)
- performance Zucchero (ζάχαρη)
part of the exhibition Crystal and Soil, curated by Elena Stavraki
Come Alone Space, Athens (GR)
- performance Shhh, with Peter Max Lawrence
Velvet Evenings - Performances, Athens (GR)
curated by Antigone Theodorou
2018 - Le tre capre (Τρεισ κατσίκες)
SUB ROSA Space, Athens (GR)
- Pranzo performativo di Franca
In collaboration with Adelaide Cioni, Fabio Giorgi Alberti, Myriam Laplante, Matteo Rovesciato
Studio Franca, Cannara (IT)
- Pulsazioni
Performance event curated by Francesca Lilli,
group action with the artists Florence Lam and Andriy Helytovych
MACRO Testaccio, Rome (IT)
- The exhibition in a little swimming pool
July 15 2018, Athens (GR)
- Flipbook IV
June18 - 28 2018, Mallorca (ES)
- Turin Table - Performance Art Week, with the artist Florence Lam, Andriy Helytovych, Ola Kozioł, Nika López, Federica Peyrolo, Thomas Reul,
Matteo Rovesciato, Elena Tortia
in collaboration with Francesca Lilli and the Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences of the University of Turin (IT)
web link of the project: http://turintable.blogspot.it
2017 - Sei performance nei musei di Roma, Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Rome (IT)
a cura di Claudio Libero Pisano in collaborazione con Orlandi Edizioni
proiezione video Motivation letter
selezione video a cura di Francesca Lilli
- Performance Platform Lublin 2017, Galeria Labirynt, Lublin (PL)
- Day of Public Actions for Freedom and Democracy
Lucia Bricco and Matteo Rovesciato, performance in public space, Turin (IT)
Project facilitated by Bbeyond and performance artists worldwide on the 22nd September 2017
Lucia Bricco and Federica Peyrolo
with the collaboration of Lise Chevalier
Performance dans l'espace public, Sète (FR)
2016 - A<ReTE, Galleria Il Ponte, Firenze (IT)
Curated by Fabrizio Corneli
- Il silenzio è l'ascolto di quello che manca
Performance with Federica Peyrolo
Rome meet Glasgow, curated by Francesca Lilli and Chiara Caramazza
Museo MACRO Testaccio, Rome (IT)
- Performance Moby Dick, in collaboration with AMACI
Lucia Bricco and Matteo Rovesciato, with Luca Atzori
Turin (IT)
- Same difference - Equinox to equinox
performance with Myriam Laplante, Federica Peyrolo, Tommaso Rinaldi
Valenza (IT)
- Premio Suzzara 49° edizione, NoPlace.Space
Suzzara (IT)
- Resilienza, Ripattoni (IT)
Curated by Adina Pugliese e Francesca Lilli
- Fuori Uso, Pescara (IT)
Curated by Giacinto Di Pietrantonio e Simone Ciglia
- Citè Internationale des Arts de Paris, performance "La cortesia di una balena(Courtesy of a whale)"
Parigi (FR)
2015 - Artverona 2015, Performing Santacaterina and Artverona/i6 spazi indipendenti Italia, progetto di La Società dello Spettacolo e
Viaindustriae, Verona (IT)
- Siderare 2015, Forte Portuense, Roma (IT)
Fondazione Volume!
- Silenzio per favore, 10 video d'artista attraversano l'Abruzzo (IT)
Curated by Adina Pugliese, Fondazione ARIA
- Fisad 2015, Festival Internazionale delle Scuole d'Arte e Design, Torino (IT)
- Naked Lights, performance "Frammenti di un discorso luminoso" con Myriam Laplante.
Teatro Tordinona, Roma (IT)
Curated by Gianni Piacentini e Ludovica Palmieri
- N/Home, performance "Radio", in collaborazione con RAM Radio Arte Mobile, Roma (IT)
Curated by Laura Angelucci e Lucia Bricco
- 3+2, Interno 14, Roma(IT)
Curated by Donatella Landi
- Multiple Visions. One City. Roma (IT)
Curated by IED Roma
- Uscita d'emergenza, mostra degli studenti dell'Accademia di Belle arti di Roma, MACRO testaccio, Roma(IT)
Curated by WHART Team
2014 - Μύθοι_ Myths. Students/Artists/Teachers. A process of exchange, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Roma(IT)
Curated by Maria Rosa Sossai and Miroslaw Balka
- TheOthers, Premio Rock The Academy, Ex Carcere Le Nuove, Torino(IT)
Curated by Olga Gambari
- Premio Combat Prize 2014, Museo di storia naturale, Livorno(IT)
2013 - Festival del verde e del paesaggio, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Roma (IT)
2012 - The scientist, 6° festival internazionale di VideoArte, Ferrara(IT)
- Pecados capitales, Círculo del Arte de Toledo (ES)
2011 - Biennale di Istanbul Evento Parallelo, Küçükçamlıca Acibadem 34660 Kadikoy Collaborazione
dell’ Accademia Albertina de Belle Arti di Torino con la facoltà di Belle arti di Marmara di
Istanbul per la realizzazione di una esposizione in parallelo alla 12° Biennale de Istanbul IKSV.
2010 - Vista e Suono 2010, eventi di arte tra storia e luoghi, Cherasco(IT)
Curated by Iginio De Luca and Emanuela Genesio
- Progetto Between, iniziativa promossa dall’Accademia di Belle Arti di Torino(IT)
Premio Francesco Fabbri 2020, selected for Emerging art
Silenzio per favore per Aria, Pescara
Premio Abbado 2015, 1° prize Videoinstallation
Premio Rock the Academy 2014, TheOthers, Torino
Premio Combat Prize 2014, selected for Video-installation
- May 1s/June 30th, 2023, MeetFactory A-i-R program, Prague (CZ)
- Feb-March 2023, BodyBox, two months research at the International Performance Art Archive DIE SCHWARZE
LADE | BLACK KIT, Cologne (DE)
- October 2022, MagiC Carpets 2022, European art residencies program, Nantes (FR)
- August 25th/31st, 2021, Materia Prima - Kefalonia (GR)
- 2nd/29th October 2018, A.T.E.N.A. Atelier Temporaire Européen de Navigation Artistique - Sète (FR)
- November 2015 - January 2016, Citè Internationale des Arts de Paris - Paris (FR)
- 23/24/25 of July, 2016 , Resilienza, Ripattoni (IT)
- 19th/20th November 2016, A<ReTE, residency/workshop con Alfredo Pirri, Donnini - Florence (IT)
- December 8th/9th, 2016, A<ReTE, residency/workshop con Fabrizio Corneli, Galleria Il Ponte - Florence (IT)
2023 - BEDS.turku, Performance Art international event
organized by Lucia Bricco, Iulia Ghita, Jade Kallio, Melissa Jolma, Antti Juhani-Manninen, and Antti Turkko
supported by Titanik Gallery, Tehdas Teatteri, BARKER teatteri, Turun vapaan taiteen näyttämö,
Istituto Italiano di Cultura of Helsinki, Rumänska kulturinstitutet, Aura of Puppets, Turku (FIN)
2022 - BEDS.rome, Performance Art international event
organized by Lucia Bricco, Iulia Ghita, Jade Kallio, Melissa Jolma, Antti Juhani-Manninen e Antti Turkko,
with the support of Tehdas Teatteri, Theatre Info Finland TINFO and Fine Art Academy of Rome
La Nube di Oort Gallery, Rome (IT)
2021 - BEDS.athens, Performance Art international event
organized by Lucia Bricco e Iulia Ghita, Atene (GR)
supported by the City of Athens, TelepArt, Finnish Institute, Τσεχικό Κέντρο Αθήνα /Czech Centre Athens.
Invited artists: LukasKolm (LT), Zoe Antypa (GR) & Sandra Johnston (UK), Antti-Juha
ni Manninen (FIN), Ximan Wang (CHN), Macklin Kowal (US)
2018 - Turin Table - Performance Art Week,Performance Art international event
organized by Lucia Bricco, Torino (IT)
supported by the City of Turin, by the Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, Turin University.
Invited artists:: Florence Lam (CHN), Andriy Helytovych (UA), Ola Kozioł (PL),
Nika López (ES), Federica Peyrolo (IT), Thomas Reul (DE), Matteo Rovesciato (IT), Elena Tortia (IT)
2023 - Performance art lab at The Good Harvest School for girls, Indrapuri rural village, Lucknow, India
2022 - Workshop The party, three days Performance Art workshop addressed to the students on the Multimedia and
Technological Arts Course, Professor Donatella Landi, Fine Art Academy of Rome (IT).
Workshop led by artists: Lucia Bricco (IT), Iulia Ghita (RO/IT), Antti-Juhani Manninen (FIN), Melissa
Jolma (FIN), Jade Kallio (FIN), Antti Turkko (FIN)
2021 - BLACK KIT, one month of Experimental Work and hybrid Performance Meeting at the International
Performance Art Archive DIE SCHWARZE LADE | BLACK KIT, Cologne (DE)
Conference with artists Boris Nieslony (DE), Antoni Karwowski (PL), Monica Klingler (CH), Emma
Brennan (IE/UK) and Sunny Pfalzer (AT/DE).
2021 - Beds.ROUNDtalk, “Multiplicity of layers in performance”, artist talk part of the Performance Art International
event Beds.athens, Noucmas art space, Athens (GR)
2021 - Beds.ROUNDtalk, “The void in Performance”, artist talk part of the Performance Art International
event Beds.athens, Potential Project art space, Athens (GR)
2018/22 - Art workshops in three refugee camps in the area of Athens and Corinth (GR), addressed to children
between 2 and 20 years old, Athens (GR)
2017 - Performance Art workshop “Attraversare la cura” at the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND EDUCA
TIONAL SCIENCES OF EDUCATION, Director Prof. Valentina Porcellana, University of Turin,
Campus Einaudi (Performance analysis teaching proposal addressed to students of Anthropology of Complexity
for the Master’s degree course in Anthropology and Ethnology), Turin (IT)
2017 - Performance Art workshop “Turin Table Art Week” at the DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AND EDUCA
TIONAL SCIENCES OF EDUCATION, Director Prof. Valentina Porcellana, University of Turin,
Palazzo Nuovo (Meeting between 8 international artists and the students of the Applied Anthropology and Lan
guage Course within the new course of Educator expert in learning processes and languages), Turin (IT)
2017 - Seminari “What Happens in Making Art? A Discussion Lab on Performance Art”, at Campus Luigi
Einaudi, University of Turin, with philosophers Tiziana Andina, Davide Dal Sasso, Vera Tripoli, anthropology
sts Valentina Porcellana and Silvia Stefani, and artists Florence Lam, Andriy Helytovych, Ola Kozioł, Nika
López, Federica Peyrolo, Thomas Reul, Matteo Rovesciato, Elena Tortia, Turin (IT)
2013/14 - Theatre workshop at Regina Coeli e Rebibbia prisons, Rome (IT)
- Lucia Bricco, exhibition catalogue, with text by Cristian Stanescu, Francesca Lilli, Iulia Ghita, Karolina
Aleiferopoulou, La Nube di Oort edition, 2023
- Donatella Landi (edited by), A misura, Orlando Edizioni, Roma, 2021 (exhibition catalogue)
- Klaudie Osikova, Antonìn Brinda, Petr Dlouny (edited by), Remote Performance Art - Performance Crossing 2020 and the disappearance of Live
Performance, 2020 (Catalogue of the event)
- A.T.E.N.A. Atelier Temporaire de Navigation Artistique, This is the girl, ED. Meridianes, 2019
(exhibition catalogue)
- Giacinto Di Pietrantonio (edited by), Avviso di garanzia, 2016 (Exhibition catalogue)