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Performance 20 minutes

UP_ON International Live Art Festival

A4 Art Museum, Chengdu, China



Within complex contexts, like the conscious feeling of happiness experienced by human beings - which somehow differs from other animal beings - systems are no longer guided by the assumption that the easiest and most straightforward way to reach fulfillment must be used, but rather that the disruption of the rule and the introduction of doubt leads to a complete feeling, in which no details or contradictions are excluded, but embraced in its entirety.

Here then, unhappiness, instead of sadness, becomes able to layering opposite qualities, as it is the inversion and sum of a feeling.


In the Italian language, the word ‘gravity’ (gravità) refers both to the physical force that drags bodies toward the center of the Earth, and to the quality of being heavy, grave, which is proper to a seriously difficult situation that arouses concern and danger.

In a way, I think happiness can be grave in every sense.



Thanks to Vincenzo Giannantonio for the technical support


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