Turin Table
Performance Art Week
February 19-24, 2018
The Turin Table was a performing art event involving artists from Spain, Germany, Ukraine, Poland, Canada and Italy.
They spent one week in the city of Turin spreading their practice in institutional and not institutional places, collaborating with art curator, anthropologists, philosophers and realities present in the city.
The project we are proposing to the city of Turin will take place around a physical and/or symbolic table. The table understood as a place of sharing and exchange where everyone brings his/her own experiences in and makes them available to a common growth. It is precisely in this point that performance art is identified, an artistic practice ables to converge in an unrepeatable moment the artist’s experience (understood as internal space) with the audience’s experience (understood as external space).
Artist: Florence Lam, Andriy Helytovych, Ola Kozioł, Lucia Bricco, Nika López, Federica Peyrolo, Thomas Reul, Matteo Rovesciato, Elena Tortia
Text and critic: Francesca Lilli
Collaborations: Valentina Porcellana (anthropologist), Silvia Stefani (anthropologist) Tiziana Andina (philosopher), Davide Dal Sasso (philosopher), Vera Tripoli (philosopher)
University of Turin
Curated by Lucia Bricco
Web link: http://turintable.blogspot.it